Chrome Web Store Comes to Six More Countries, Brings Offline Section

Chrome Web Store has just received several minor updates. At first glance, you might not see the difference but there are worth to know.
Now Chrome Web Store is available in six more countries which are Turkey, Ukraine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco or the United Arab Emirates. Google also suggested to localize apps to be successful in these new countries.
Now Chrome web store has a dedicated section for offline apps. This will help users to find those apps which can work offline.
Chrome Web Store 300x266 Chrome Web Store Comes to Six More Countries, Brings Offline Section   internet chrome
Next added feature is for developers who can now see better insights and know how their apps are doing in the store. Developers can now view a graph which can help them get a better understanding of how well their app is doing, for example how many times it’s been viewed, installed, etc. It also allow users to download report data into a CSV file for offline access.
Google has also plans to refine this insight feature. Let us know what you think about these changes.? 

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